Saturday, July 28, 2012

Podcast - Student Technology Use

I recently had the opportunity to interview some of my high school students to try to gain a better understanding of their technology usage and preferences.  This survey was a result of an assignment for a class I am taking through Walden University, but I was also inspired by the information presented in my course materials for this week.  Through the survey, I found that my students are immersed in media, but they often do not make use of the same technology at school.  I believe that my school will need to provide better access to technology, and change their personal electronic device for students, in order to prepare students for the society they will be entering.

In the podcast I quote the following sources:

Dretzin, R., & Maggio, J. (Producers), & Dretzin, R. (Writer). (2008, January 22). Growing up online [Television series episode]. In Frontline. Boston: WGBH. Retrieved from 

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2010a). Today's students. [Video webcast]. Retrieved from

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2010b). Millenial learning styles. [Video webcast]. Retrieved from


  1. Very nice! I love the interview snippets. Do I have your permission to share this with my class? I think it's so cool that you and I have the same focus in our grad classes. If I did a little more focusing on the math part of it instead of only music, we'd be exactly the same!

    1. Feel free to share this with your class. I'm also looking at trying to create a "Band Resources Wiki" with my classes. In theory, students will determine what problems they have had or expect to have with playing their instruments, reading music, or something else band/music related. They will then brainstorm a list of things that would help them if they were on a website where they could find them. Finally, they'll collect/create the resources and put them on the website. The project would take about a week of class, but would then be ongoing as students add resources when then find them.

      I was thinking that, if you made a wiki with your students, perhaps the two wikis would work well together. Maybe yours could be on composers, musical terms, music games, or anything else that seems appropriate.

      Thanks for the feedback and keep up the good work yourself!
